UPDATE AUG 17 2022
It turns out again that to successfully catch fish, you just need to cast the right bait.
Ahmad Nazarishirehjini aka. Ahmet Nazari, who not only speaks German, but is above all the “puppet master” (with some way way bigger puppet masters even he is working for) behind the large-scale fraud around SIC AG, endeavors with his team to cover tracks and to contaminate or massively disturb any form of publication and discussion. Not only that the attacks of his “team” controlled from Dubai are visible via Turkey and reveal conclusions about the physical whereabouts of the team, but one has hijacked the newly created “Fraudster.info” domain and shut it down and overlooked a few traps in the process.
Es zeigt sich wieder, daß man um erfolgreich Fische zu fangen, nur den richtigen Köder auswerfen muss.
Ahmad Nazarishirehjini aka. Ahmet Nazari, der nicht nur Deutsch spricht, sondern vorallem der Strippenzieher hinter dem grossangelegten Betrug um SIC AG ist, bemüht sich mit seinem Team Spuren zu verwischen und jede Form der Publikation und Diskussion zu kontaminieren oder massiv zu stören. Nicht nur, daß die Angriffe seines „Teams“ von Dubai aus gesteuert, sichtbar sind und Rückschlüsse auf den physischen Aufenthaltsort des Team offenlegen, sondern man hat die neu geschaffene „Fraudster.info“ Domain gekapert und abgeschaltet und hierbei ein paar Fallen übersehen.

Original Iranian Passport of Ahmad Nazarishirehjini aka. Ahmet Nazari

Turkish Passport of Ahmad Nazarishirehjini aka. Ahmet Nazari, which he is using in Dubai
Our investigation into Swiss International Commodity AG appears to have significantly disrupted the fraudsters’ business and hiding attempts.
The nerves there are on edge and our systems are heavily attacked (unsuccessfully!) from Dubai via servers in Turkey. Our reverse scanner observes the attacks and especially THE ATTACKERS.

They seem to want to know with all their might what we have investigated.
Due to the high political involvement in the case and the particular people involved, we have made the entire results available to the FBI in Boston and the German Attorney General’s Office.
Have you been scammed by SIC AG and this structure? Contact us today, we may help you!