Artefaktum CEO writes in Special Edition of German “Förderkreis Deutsches Heer”

The InfoBrief Heer is the publication organ of the Förderkreis Deutsches Heer e.V. (FKH). FKH aims to bring together relevant forces from politics, society, business and the Bundeswehr who see themselves as having a special responsibility for the land forces involved in joint and multinational operations.

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Read more about the article How to compile a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR)
Artificial neuron in concept of artificial intelligence. Wall-shaped binary codes make transmission lines of pulses and/or information in an analogy to a microchip. Neural network and data transmission.

How to compile a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR)

The way SARs are handled are often riddled with basic errors. Elements such as narrative, keywords, objective, and timing of submission can make a real difference in the quality of the reports. So how to compile an effective and correct SAR?

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Hong Kong ‘No Consent’ letters not guaranteed to freeze bank accounts

The Hong Kong Police Commissioner's use of the 'No Consent Regime' to encourage three banks to freeze customer bank accounts, in circumstances where the banks had no independent suspicion of unlawful activity by bank account holders, was unlawful. The decision is relevant for a bank which receives information from the police about a customer’s account where the bank has no prior suspicions of its own: Tam Sze Leung & ors v Commissioner of Police [2021] HKCFI 3118.

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